The Global Mission has been growing steadily since God gave us this vision in 2006. For the first 7 years, there was only one staff member (Dave) but so much has changed in the decade since then! Coming alongside us are 4 support staff, most of whom work out of our office in Orange County. Expanding our team has allowed us to expand our Gospel outreach as well as increase donor communication and ministry fundraising efforts. It has also equipped us to offer more support to our missionaries, including staff care and development.
We are the home to 5 missionary families in the US and the Middle East. The work that each missionary does is unique to their talents and the needs of their community. Some are serving on leadership teams at their local church, while others are developing curriculum for discipleship programs. We have a team that consults with churches on congregational growth and health and a team that is invested in teaching teens how to evangelize to a younger generation. Some do local cross-cultural evangelism and discipleship while others mobilize churches for the world. Some of our missionary staff are deeply rooted in their current location, while others are praying and awaiting an overseas opportunity. We are blessed by their faithfulness and passion for sharing the Gospel in all the unique ways God has called them.
Ministry partnerships beyond The Global Mission are crucial to increasing our Kingdom impact. We have been blessed to come alongside several ministries and support the work they are doing in their respective communities. We partner with YUGO Ministries and Hands of Mercy to build homes in Ensenada, Mexico and expand the outreach of the network of pastors throughout that city. In Haiti, besides our own ministry, we share resources and support CHOAIDS, a children’s shelter specially equipped to house children with AIDS. In the Middle East, a local church raises funding through The Global Mission’s donor system, and we enable them to utilize those funds in-country for outreach and expansion. We’re delighted for our growing partnership with Harvest India and the work they do to bring the Gospel to unreached people groups.
In addition to our ministry partners, The Global Mission also has 2 unique ministries under our umbrella. These organizations operate under separate names but are all part of The Global Mission organization and share in our mission to bring the Gospel to those who have never heard. The Chanje Movement is our spiritual and humanitarian outreach in Haiti. Truth That Changes Lives is a daily podcast broadcast globally and taught by Pastor JP Jones.
God has blessed us immensely and we want to thank you for being such a big part of His provision. Every prayer you have prayed for us has blessed this ministry. Every donation you have made on behalf of our family has grown this ministry. The Gospel is being shared and lives are being changed because of your faithful partnership. Thank you!