Today and tomorrow will be filled with conversations and scouting out the land. As I explained to one pastor last night, our role right now is like that of Joshua and Caleb, to spy out the land, and to return with a faith-filled, God-honoring, grace-sized report.
Would you ask God to give us eyes not for what is here, but for what could be? That our souls would be filled with his vision and we would clearly hear from Him what He would have us do.
We want to be right in the middle of God’s will. Thank you for being on the journey with us.
** Update **
God is clearly answering our prayers and lavishing His grace upon us. We are Him open doors – or more accurately, break down walls and carve a clear path.
And today is yet another view into a world desperate for Jesus; lost, hurting, and in need. With warm hearted men, women and children.
Please continue to pray for us to see and hear God’s will.
Looking forward to hearing what you spies come up with!
Amen, may we all have the eyes of Jesus! (I love the blog picutres, especially the one of jumping out of the plane. Taking a step of faith often feels like that!!!)