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Day 9 – Pray For The Perfume Islands

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During Ramadan, we are taking time each day to pray for people in the Muslim world. We are praying that they would hear the Gospel, have access to the Bible, have a divine encounter with Jesus, and be saved. We are also praying for Christians living as the minority in the Muslim world, that they would be protected from persecution, strengthened in their faith, and given opportunities to share the Gospel.

The stories and prayer requests that we are sharing have been taking from World Prayer Guides. You can visit their website ( to purchase a printable prayer guide for just $2.50.

Translating The Bible In Their Mother Tongue

Because vanilla, cloves and spices grow here, the Comoros archipelago is also known as the Perfume Islands, with frangipani, jasmine and lemon grass also lending a delightful fragrance. Almost one million people live on the four main islands, which are located between Madagascar and Mozambique. One of them, Mayotte, is a French overseas territory, which is why many Comorians try to reach France via this island. This has led to unrest and conflict. The population lives in poor conditions and is almost exclusively Muslim.

Said is one of the only Christians on the island. Only a few people around him and in his family know Jesus. He wants the Comoros people to get to have the opportunity to read the Word of God and to believe. Together with other believers and missionary societies, he is working on a Bible translation in the local language. This will give people access to the Word of God in their mother tongue, which is crucial to spreading the gospel and enabling a deeper connection to faith.

The unity and dedication behind this collaboration is impressive. The indigenous believers and mission agencies bring their resources, talents and passions to serve God’s mission together.

How Can We Pray?

  • That the fragrance of God spreads throughout the Perfume Islands and that the people experience Him.
  • That Christians may live safely and securely.
  • For Bible translation to progress well, with great unity in the team.
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Day 8 – Pray For Muslims in Sandzak

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During Ramadan, we are taking time each day to pray for people in the Muslim world. We are praying that they would hear the Gospel, have access to the Bible, have a divine encounter with Jesus, and be saved. We are also praying for Christians living as the minority in the Muslim world, that they would be protected from persecution, strengthened in their faith, and given opportunities to share the Gospel.

The stories and prayer requests that we are sharing have been taking from World Prayer Guides. You can visit their website ( to purchase a printable prayer guide for just $2.50.

The Only Christian in Sandzak

Hamza is sitting in one of the most famous ćevapi restaurants in the Serbian city of Novi Pazar with his foreign friend. People come here to drink coffee and to enjoy the best sausages and a good view of the pedestrian zone. Hamza, however, is here to learn from the Bible. On their mobile phones they read John 8:32 together: “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

After a moment of silence, Hamza says: “That is what my people need. They should recognize Jesus as truth and as light. And then he will free them from the many dark powers and the slavery of money.” And he continues: “God sent you here for me! Without you, I would no longer follow Jesus.”

Sandzak is a historic region in the Balkans that straddles the border of Serbia and Montenegro. As the only known follower of Jesus in the entire region with around 250,000 Muslim residents, Hamza knows life in Sandzak. It is not easy for him to live his faith, but he always draws strength from the Bible. The Muslims in Sandzak are a significant majority locally, but overall, they are a minority in Serbia and Montenegro. Thirty years after the war, they are still discriminated against. This is one of the reasons why many Muslims here are very religious and devout. In the city of Novi Pazar alone, there are over 60 mosques, three Koran schools and an Islamic university for future religious teachers and imams.

How To Pray

  • That more Muslims from Sandzak will recognise Jesus as the truth and follow him.
  • That the people of Sandzak would recognise the light of Jesus to be stronger than all the dark powers that they have experienced.
  • For more workers and new ideas on how to reach the Muslims of Sandzak.
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Day 7 – Pray For The Dendi

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During Ramadan, we are praying each day for different groups in the Muslim world. We would love for you follow along with us on the blog and on social media @the_global_mission. Here is today’s story.

The Dendi in northern Benin

Benin in West Africa is not a Muslim country, but the Dendi in the north of the country are 99.93 % Muslim. They number about 310,000 people. Among them are only very few Christians. There is no church where Dendi is spoken.

Most Dendi follow a form of folk Islam, mixing elements of orthodox Islam with their traditional rites and religious practices. The Marabouts, religious teachers or holy men, teach Islam as well as ancient customs and are healers and contact persons to the spirit world.

The rural steppe areas of Northern Benin are home for most Dendi. The structures of families and villages are very fundamental for their life in this region, making it unthinkable for seekers to break out of this system in order to follow Christ. That’s why finding ways to spread the Gospel and establish fellowships of believers within these structures is so important.

The New Testament and some audio and video materials are available in the Dendi language, but most are unaware of their availability. In the summer of 2024, 140 evangelists swarmed the city of Djougou, where tens of thousands of Dendi live. With many of them from neighboring people groups, they worked in different quarters of the city every day for three weeks. They wanted to find houses of peace, preach Christ to the people there and leave one of 2,000 SD-cards with audio files of Biblical books.

How Can We Pray?

  • Pray that the distributed SD cards would be listened to again and again and would cause people to believe in the Messiah.
  • That the Dendi would see that Jesus has power over the spirit world.
  • Pray that 1000 Dendi would be baptized and 100 home churches established.
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Day 6 – Pray For Muslim Missionaries in Albania

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Saved By A Sandwich

Hamit was born into an Albanian Muslim family. He thought that by fasting and doing good deeds he could find salvation, but these were things he practiced only out of obligation to his parents. He felt nothing in his heart but instead wondered, ‘why we are here in this world and what is the purpose of life?’

One day when he was 17 years old, he left school hungry and went to buy himself a sandwich. It was wrapped in paper which he looked at curiously…it was a page from the Bible. The man who sold the sandwich was an old Communist who invited him to his house for a coffee. Hamit went to his home, and the man started to speak against the faith. When Hamit asked to use the toilet, he found that instead of toilet paper, the man had placed the Bible. The boy felt scared to use the Bible and hid it under his clothes, so the man wouldn’t notice.

When Hamit began to read the Bible, he began to understand that God loves him. John 3:16 became his favourite verse. He decided to believe this love and take it into his heart. He began to search for other people who could believe the same as the Bible. He found a church where the pastor there led him in a prayer. Hamit beams: “As soon as I finished praying, I felt that a heavy stone had moved from my heart and I felt joy.”

How Can We Pray?

  • Pray that Albanians who have come to faith since the fall of Communism would become grounded in the Word.
  • Pray that the many Muslim missionaries who are in Albania form other coutnries would actually fall in love with Jesus instead.
  • Pray for unity between churches and that believers would be known for their love.


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Day 5 – Pray For Muslims in Zanzibar

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Fantastic beaches, picturesque sunsets and a natural paradise attract thousands upon thousands of tourists to the popular island archipelago of Zanzibar every year. They make a stark contrast to the local Zanzibaris, who are 99 % Muslim. Deeply entangled in folk Islam and occultism, they try to distance themselves from the influence of the Western world through their religion and traditions. Jesus speaks into this bondage and conflict and calls Zanzibaris to follow Him.

Mansour experienced that through Isa al-Masih (Jesus, the Messiah) he was set free from evil spirits and demonic burdens. Curious, he and his family watched LUMO films about the life of Jesus, and they began reading the Injil (New Testament). They decided to follow Jesus into a life of light and freedom. Mansour’s father-in-law in the south of the island heard that his daughter had been set free by Jesus – something that all magicians had failed to do so far. A group of seekers are now meeting there, too, to learn more about Jesus in the Injil. The first life changes through the Holy Spirit can be seen, and some are ready to be baptized.

Ways To Pray

  • That the young believers would take courageous steps of obedience and not allow themselves to be prevented from doing so by rumors circulating about baptism.
  • That Jesus would answer their prayers when they pray in His name for the sick and burdened.
  • For supernatural protection and care for the believers, who are now increasingly disadvantaged and persecuted by religious leaders and neighbours.

We are praying for different Mulsim people groups around the world during the 30 days of Ramadan. The stories and prayer requests shared here are taken from World Prayer Guides. Please consider making a donation to them or purchasing a printable guide to suppor their ministry.

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Day 4 – Pray For The Kazakhs from China

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Today is the 4th day of Ramadan. As Muslims around the world take time to pray, The Global Mission is taking time to pray for them, to pray for their salvation and deliverance. We would love for you to pray with us and to search for opportunities to share your testimony and the gospel with Muslims in your life.

All stories and prayer requests are taken from World Prayer Guides. You can purchase a printable prayer guide from their website.

The Story

Tolkyn grew up in a big city in eastern China, though his people consider the northwest of the country to be their home area. Despite not being especially religious or traditional, he considers himself a Muslim. Like many younger generation Kazakhs, he’s living abroad. Work, study, family connections, and immigration are common reasons for this phenomenon.

Kazakhs who travel out of China tend to be ambitious and prize worldly wisdom. Having escaped many limitations by coming out of their country, they recognize the relative freedom they’re enjoying. At least some of their dreams are coming true, though their happiness is often mixed with heartache over separation from relatives still in China.

Tolkyn is pursuing advanced studies and thinking seriously about marriage to his girlfriend, Saule. Through Saule, he met some Jesus-followers in the city where he lives. He had read some of John’s gospel in Chinese years ago, but it didn’t make much of an impression on him. Saule’s friends, however, in a conversation about how a husband and wife relate to each other in marriage, brought up the passage in Ephesians 5 where it says, “Husbands, love your wives…” This really made Tolkyn think. The fact that this scripture was in Kazakh, and not some other language, also got his attention— so much so that he got a copy of the Bible in Kazakh for himself.

Ways To Pray

  • For Kazakhs living abroad to feel a longing to know their Creator that nothing else (education, career, money, emigration, even family) can satisfy.
  • For them to meet Jesus-followers along their paths in pursuit of worldly ambitions.
  • That Kazakhs would have the opportunity and desire to read scripture, and that they would receive understanding through the Holy Spirit.
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Day 3 – Pray For The Pashtuns

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The Story:

Pashtuns (Pukhtuns, Pathans) are a 60+ million tribal group living in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and in the Middle East as contract workers. Pashtuns are warrior-romantics; fierce in defense of their honor, but enjoying music, poetry, and flowers. Linguistic and cultural differences separate the Pashtuns of Pakistan from those of Afghanistan and also distinguish one tribe from another. However, Pashtuns agree that adherence to orthodox Sunni Islam, and strict observance of Pashto religio-cultural codes are common to all. A strong sense of religious purity separates Pashtuns from other religions, including Christianity. Yet there are an un-numbered few who follow Christ in their homelands. Among them are those who are reaching out with the Word of God to their own people.

Believing Pashtuns translate and distribute the Word in print, audio, and video. For this generation, the Bible in Pakistani Pashto was published in 2019, and the New Testament in Afghan Pashto in 2023. Those with a laptop or smartphone can access the Scriptures in four major dialects of Pashto through, and the Prophets Stories App. The Pashtun love of poetry makes the Psalms and Proverbs especially popular.

As religious extremism prevents most believers from meeting in person, connection online for a Discovery Bible Study is an important way by which Pashtuns can interact with God’s Word. Recently, several believers met online to talk about charity, fasting and prayer—the traditional means of earning treasure in heaven. On hearing what the Bible teaches, one man responded, “Our hearts have been enlightened by hearing God’s word! We believe in this holy Word.”

Prayer Points:

  • That isolated Pashtun believers would receive comfort and instruction from the Spirit.
  • For the translation and distribution of Scripture resources in the various dialects of Pashto.
  • For discipleship of Pashtun believers and the emergence of godly church leaders.

This story and prayer points are published in the “30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World” prayer guide provided by World Prayer Guides. Please consider purchasing your own downloadable version or make a donation to World Prayer Guides to support their work.

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Day 2 – The Turks In The Earthquake Zone

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Today is the second day of Ramadan and our second day of praying for people in the Muslim world. Every day from now until March 29th we will be sharing from the “30 Days of Prayer For The Muslim World” prayer guide, published by World Prayer Guides. We’d love for you to join us! Check our blog daily or follow us on Instagram (@the_global_mission) or Facebook (/theglobalmission). You can also download your own printable prayer guide from

Prayer Points:

  • Please pray that God will draw those copying out the scriptures to himself
  • Pray that the new believers will remain firm in their decision to follow Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
  • Pray that God would make the church a light that points to Christ.

The Story:

In February 2023, two strong earthquakes destroyed the biblical city of Antioch, affecting over 9 million people in the region. But God prompted the leaders of one church to remain in the devastation to serve their fellow survivors. While providing food, clothing, tents and other emergency accommodation, they continued to hold services each Sunday that grew to over 100 people.

At one point, God moved the leader’s wife to suggest to two Muslim women that they might consider copying the New Testament (NT). They both agreed and were provided with the supplies they needed. Then two people became three, four, five, and now close to 600 Muslims are copying the New Testament!

One young man who had just finished copying had questions and asked what he should do about the sacrifices his family were preparing. He explained he had become a Christian from what he had read, without talking to anyone.

One person wanted to understand the NT better, so having finished, is copying it all out again. Another said, “I am so glad I took a package for my grandchildren. We are really enjoying copying, as a family!” Having finished copying the whole NT, one couple has begun copying the entire Bible. They have come to faith.

One young woman after copying the whole NT was asked what she had understood from what she had copied. She answered, “You know, I used to only like people who liked me. I had no use for anyone who was not interested in me. Now I am trying to love them! I used to be jealous of everyone. But now I’m trying to not be jealous.”

Prayer Points and The Story are taken from Please consider purchasing a printable version or making a donation to World Prayer Guides to support their ministry.

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Day 1 – The Tuareg of West Africa

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Today is the first day of Ramadan, a very important holiday for Islam. For the next 30 days, Muslims all across the globe will fast from sunrise to sunset. They will spend more time praying, reading the Quran and attending Mosque. They will also be focused on charitable deeds and have many celebrations with friends and family.

For Christians, Ramadan is a great time for us to pray for salvation for Muslims. Every day we will be sharing from the “30 Days of Prayer For The Muslim World” prayer guide, published by World Prayer Guides. We’d love for you to join us! Check our blog daily or follow us on Instagram (@the_global_mission) or Facebook (/theglobalmission). You can also download your own printable prayer guide from

Day 1 – The Tuareg of West Africa

How Can We Pray?

  • That God would reveal to the Tuareg, a proud people, their need for repentance and the joy of freedom in Christ.
  • For audio scripture resources to be distributed more freely.
  • That God would raise up believers to be church leaders in their community.

The Story:

Lee grew up in a typical Tuareg community where, left to mind the family herds and farm, he never had opportunity to attend school. He dreamt of one day learning to read. One evening as a young man, he finished work in the onion fields and came to the nearest town where he found a gospel worker selling books and tracts. He purchased several books, commenting that he wished he knew how to read them.

The worker asked, “You just spent money buying books that you can’t read?” Lee replied, “That is my next question. Would you be able to help me learn to read? It has been my dream almost my whole life.”

Together they spent months learning to read materials produced in Tamajaq, one of the languages of the Tuareg. They started with words, then sentences and eventually progressed to a book of animal tales. As Lee’s reading got stronger, they went on to read the first twelve chapters of Genesis. From Genesis, they went on to read the gospel of Luke.

One evening, Lee said to his friend, “I have something to tell you. I have decided to follow Jesus like you.” The worker asked, “Lee, who is Jesus for you?” His response was unforgettable.

Lee said, “Do you remember when Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son, Isaac, but at the last minute the angel stopped Abraham and there was a ram in the thicket that took Isaac’s place? As we have been reading in this book of Luke, I can see that Jesus is my Ram!”

*The prayer points and story were taken from Please consider purchasing your own downloadable prayer guide or making a donation to sustain that ministry.

The Remaining Task – Bringing The Gospel To Unreached People Groups

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Who has already heard the good news about Jesus, and who is still waiting to hear for the first time?

Video Script:

Nearly 10 percent of the world’s population are committed followers of Jesus, who believe Jesus is who he said he is, and who have given their lives to him. They believe anyone can know God through Jesus, and they tell people around them about him.

Many other people also identify as Christians. These other Christians need deeper faith in Jesus and a personal relationship with God through him. About 33% of the world’s population identify themselves as Christians. But where do the world’s Christians live? The good news of Jesus is spreading in the world– but not evenly.

First, let’s divide the world into regions by population, then show where the Christians live. Two countries, India and China, each have one-fifth of the world’s population, so they will get their own section. The Muslim-majority countries also get their own section, because they are similar to each other.  There are some Other Asian countries, and other Non-Muslim-majority countries in Africa. Here is Europe’s population, and North America lumped with all the Pacific island countries, including Australia and New Zealand. And finally, Latin America, from Mexico south.

In each region, let’s show the followers of Jesus and the others who identify themselves as Christians.  Latin America has the highest total percentage of Christians, followed by North America and the Pacific. Europe has many nominal Christians, while Non-Muslim Africa has many committed followers of Jesus. Today China has also many committed followers of Jesus.  “Other Asian” countries average about one-third Christian, including Korea and the Philippines. Some Muslim-majority countries have had Christian people groups for centuries. Of all the large areas of the world, India has the lowest percentage of Christians.

As you can see, the Christians are not evenly spread around the world. Today most Christians live in the Americas, Europe or sub-Saharan Africa. In each region, the committed followers of Jesus can renew the faith of the “other Christians” and can tell the non-believers in their own people groups about Jesus. Let’s call these people “culturally-near non-believers” and show them as green. These non-believers are their relatives, neighbors, and coworkers, who speak, eat and dress like them. In China, hundreds of millions of non-believers are now “culturally-near” to followers of Jesus. 40% of the world’s non-believers have many Christians in their own people groups who can reach out to them without learning a new language or culture. So, their groups are called “reached people groups” because the good news is spreading there. Believers in China have a challenging job to share the gospel with so many non-believing relatives and neighbors, yet thankfully they can do it in their own language.  In the “reached” people groups, committed followers of Jesus can encourage the other Christians in their families and communities to become fully committed to Jesus. They can also tell the many “culturally-near non-believers” in their own people group about Jesus without learning a new language and culture.

Many people in the world live in other ethnic groups which have almost no followers of Jesus who belong in their communities and know their language. They have no chance of learning about new life in Jesus from someone within their own people groups. 60% of all non-believers in the world have few followers of Jesus in their own people group. They are “culturally distant” from believers. Let’s show these “culturally-distant non-believers” in blue. Most of them live in India, Muslim-majority countries in Africa and Asia, or other parts of Asia. They need believers from other people groups to come learn their language and culture and tell them about Jesus. They live in “unreached people groups”, distinct ethnolinguistic people groups made up of less than 2 percent followers of Jesus and less than 5% other Christians.”

Which unreached people groups are the “frontier peoples”? Some culturally-distant nonbelievers have so few believers that they have no chance of hearing about Jesus from people they know. Let’s use a darker color of blue to show those with less than zero point one percent Christian in their own people group. About one fourth of the world’s population live in frontier people groups and over 95% of them are in India and Muslim-majority countries. These frontier people groups have no movement to Christ and no breakthrough of indigenous faith.

Now is the time to unite what we know with what we do. So, we know that the “reached” people groups have lots of followers of Jesus who can tell them about Jesus, but guess what? We send 30 times as many cross-cultural Christian workers to them as we do to the people in “unreached” people groups? 30 to 1! These workers are not just going out from the West, they’re going “from everywhere to everywhere”, but most of them are sent to work with other churches in their training or outreach programs. Currently, for every 30 cross-cultural Christian workers that go to the reached people groups of the world, roughly ONE goes to the unreached people groups, including the frontier people groups. As a result, the needs of people in unreached people groups, especially those in frontier people groups, are being grossly overlooked!

The Remaining Mission Task is largely in India, Muslim-majority countries, and Asia. We need many more witnesses for culturally-distant non-believers …in Unreached People Groups and …in Frontier People Groups. The frontier peoples are still waiting to hear about Jesus for the first time. This is the mission mobilization challenge of our generation!

The Global Mission is committed to bringing the Gospel to those who have never heard, including unreached people groups in South Asia and the Middle East. You can partner with us financially at