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The Story:

Pashtuns (Pukhtuns, Pathans) are a 60+ million tribal group living in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and in the Middle East as contract workers. Pashtuns are warrior-romantics; fierce in defense of their honor, but enjoying music, poetry, and flowers. Linguistic and cultural differences separate the Pashtuns of Pakistan from those of Afghanistan and also distinguish one tribe from another. However, Pashtuns agree that adherence to orthodox Sunni Islam, and strict observance of Pashto religio-cultural codes are common to all. A strong sense of religious purity separates Pashtuns from other religions, including Christianity. Yet there are an un-numbered few who follow Christ in their homelands. Among them are those who are reaching out with the Word of God to their own people.

Believing Pashtuns translate and distribute the Word in print, audio, and video. For this generation, the Bible in Pakistani Pashto was published in 2019, and the New Testament in Afghan Pashto in 2023. Those with a laptop or smartphone can access the Scriptures in four major dialects of Pashto through, and the Prophets Stories App. The Pashtun love of poetry makes the Psalms and Proverbs especially popular.

As religious extremism prevents most believers from meeting in person, connection online for a Discovery Bible Study is an important way by which Pashtuns can interact with God’s Word. Recently, several believers met online to talk about charity, fasting and prayer—the traditional means of earning treasure in heaven. On hearing what the Bible teaches, one man responded, “Our hearts have been enlightened by hearing God’s word! We believe in this holy Word.”

Prayer Points:

  • That isolated Pashtun believers would receive comfort and instruction from the Spirit.
  • For the translation and distribution of Scripture resources in the various dialects of Pashto.
  • For discipleship of Pashtun believers and the emergence of godly church leaders.

This story and prayer points are published in the “30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World” prayer guide provided by World Prayer Guides. Please consider purchasing your own downloadable version or make a donation to World Prayer Guides to support their work.