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Today is the 4th day of Ramadan. As Muslims around the world take time to pray, The Global Mission is taking time to pray for them, to pray for their salvation and deliverance. We would love for you to pray with us and to search for opportunities to share your testimony and the gospel with Muslims in your life.

All stories and prayer requests are taken from World Prayer Guides. You can purchase a printable prayer guide from their website.

The Story

Tolkyn grew up in a big city in eastern China, though his people consider the northwest of the country to be their home area. Despite not being especially religious or traditional, he considers himself a Muslim. Like many younger generation Kazakhs, he’s living abroad. Work, study, family connections, and immigration are common reasons for this phenomenon.

Kazakhs who travel out of China tend to be ambitious and prize worldly wisdom. Having escaped many limitations by coming out of their country, they recognize the relative freedom they’re enjoying. At least some of their dreams are coming true, though their happiness is often mixed with heartache over separation from relatives still in China.

Tolkyn is pursuing advanced studies and thinking seriously about marriage to his girlfriend, Saule. Through Saule, he met some Jesus-followers in the city where he lives. He had read some of John’s gospel in Chinese years ago, but it didn’t make much of an impression on him. Saule’s friends, however, in a conversation about how a husband and wife relate to each other in marriage, brought up the passage in Ephesians 5 where it says, “Husbands, love your wives…” This really made Tolkyn think. The fact that this scripture was in Kazakh, and not some other language, also got his attention— so much so that he got a copy of the Bible in Kazakh for himself.

Ways To Pray

  • For Kazakhs living abroad to feel a longing to know their Creator that nothing else (education, career, money, emigration, even family) can satisfy.
  • For them to meet Jesus-followers along their paths in pursuit of worldly ambitions.
  • That Kazakhs would have the opportunity and desire to read scripture, and that they would receive understanding through the Holy Spirit.