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Day 5 – Pray For Muslims in Zanzibar

By Blog

Fantastic beaches, picturesque sunsets and a natural paradise attract thousands upon thousands of tourists to the popular island archipelago of Zanzibar every year. They make a stark contrast to the local Zanzibaris, who are 99 % Muslim. Deeply entangled in folk Islam and occultism, they try to distance themselves from the influence of the Western world through their religion and traditions. Jesus speaks into this bondage and conflict and calls Zanzibaris to follow Him.

Mansour experienced that through Isa al-Masih (Jesus, the Messiah) he was set free from evil spirits and demonic burdens. Curious, he and his family watched LUMO films about the life of Jesus, and they began reading the Injil (New Testament). They decided to follow Jesus into a life of light and freedom. Mansour’s father-in-law in the south of the island heard that his daughter had been set free by Jesus – something that all magicians had failed to do so far. A group of seekers are now meeting there, too, to learn more about Jesus in the Injil. The first life changes through the Holy Spirit can be seen, and some are ready to be baptized.

Ways To Pray

  • That the young believers would take courageous steps of obedience and not allow themselves to be prevented from doing so by rumors circulating about baptism.
  • That Jesus would answer their prayers when they pray in His name for the sick and burdened.
  • For supernatural protection and care for the believers, who are now increasingly disadvantaged and persecuted by religious leaders and neighbours.

We are praying for different Mulsim people groups around the world during the 30 days of Ramadan. The stories and prayer requests shared here are taken from World Prayer Guides. Please consider making a donation to them or purchasing a printable guide to suppor their ministry.

green and gold islam pattern

Day 2 – The Turks In The Earthquake Zone

By Blog

Today is the second day of Ramadan and our second day of praying for people in the Muslim world. Every day from now until March 29th we will be sharing from the “30 Days of Prayer For The Muslim World” prayer guide, published by World Prayer Guides. We’d love for you to join us! Check our blog daily or follow us on Instagram (@the_global_mission) or Facebook (/theglobalmission). You can also download your own printable prayer guide from

Prayer Points:

  • Please pray that God will draw those copying out the scriptures to himself
  • Pray that the new believers will remain firm in their decision to follow Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
  • Pray that God would make the church a light that points to Christ.

The Story:

In February 2023, two strong earthquakes destroyed the biblical city of Antioch, affecting over 9 million people in the region. But God prompted the leaders of one church to remain in the devastation to serve their fellow survivors. While providing food, clothing, tents and other emergency accommodation, they continued to hold services each Sunday that grew to over 100 people.

At one point, God moved the leader’s wife to suggest to two Muslim women that they might consider copying the New Testament (NT). They both agreed and were provided with the supplies they needed. Then two people became three, four, five, and now close to 600 Muslims are copying the New Testament!

One young man who had just finished copying had questions and asked what he should do about the sacrifices his family were preparing. He explained he had become a Christian from what he had read, without talking to anyone.

One person wanted to understand the NT better, so having finished, is copying it all out again. Another said, “I am so glad I took a package for my grandchildren. We are really enjoying copying, as a family!” Having finished copying the whole NT, one couple has begun copying the entire Bible. They have come to faith.

One young woman after copying the whole NT was asked what she had understood from what she had copied. She answered, “You know, I used to only like people who liked me. I had no use for anyone who was not interested in me. Now I am trying to love them! I used to be jealous of everyone. But now I’m trying to not be jealous.”

Prayer Points and The Story are taken from Please consider purchasing a printable version or making a donation to World Prayer Guides to support their ministry.

Whatever it takes

By Envision

I guess that’s the theme I’ve been thinking about lately on this mission trip. Am I willing to do whatever it takes to get the Gospel out there? It might be something that’s mostly fun, like getting our whole team of 18 somewhere in a single “tap tap” by stuffing in so tightly that a few might suffer temporary loss of circulation. Or it might be trudging through the sludge, grime and sweltering stench of refuse, excrement and dead fish of the local market stalls for a 2nd and 3rd hour long after the romance of discovery has worn off.

What I choose to remember is that (as Madeline spoke of so eloquently in our team devotional tonight) this is part of being called to take up your cross daily and follow Him. When we get to play sports with kids, it’s not so bad – well, not until you start getting dehydrated. (Doesn’t it seem like our emotions are linked to our physiology more closely than we’d like to believe?) But as Ally shared in her story of commitment to Christ tonight, there isn’t a comfortable way to carry a cross.

Today we walked with God through the ups and downs, all because we had confidence in His calling. So we sang and memorized Scripture with over 200 kids, helped them understand what it meant to surrender to Christ and offered them a clear opportunity to come into a relationship with Him. Several did. Tomorrow we will continue the program and invite more of them into an eternal relationship with their heavenly Father.

We spent hours on the soccer field, and talking on the sidelines, and helping advance a project at the water station, and three hours in the open air market (amazing what 18 + friends can do!) buying supplies to feed a traditional Haitian meal of chicken, beans and rice to at least 500 hungry kids and their families. That will take place tomorrow after the conclusion of our “Romans Road” kids bible school. (With many thanks to Dean-o and the Dynamos who wrote the curriculum and offered it at Crossline Church, and invited the kids to “give TVBS” to Haitian kids, who then raised over $10,000 in one week. Kids: you are the ones who raised the money to feed the families, and sponsor this outreach and much, much more this year.)

I can’t wait to get all the media uploaded that will go along with this post!

For now, we learn to be content, be thankful for what we have, and recognize that we must do whatever it takes to pick up our cross daily and follow Jesus.

More to come…