Zai was transfixed by verses from the Gospels shared with him by a Christian worker. Tears came to his eyes as they read John 1:12 together: “Sometimes when I read this book I get goosebumps!” he said. Zai sensed God calling him to repent and surrender his life to Jesus, but he was serious about counting the cost. He also struggled to know if he understood the gospel well enough. He said that sometimes at night, he sensed God’s presence so strongly that it almost scared him, not understanding what God wanted from him.
Zai is Aimaq and his people live in the central and western highlands of Afghanistan. Numbering half a million, they live a full or semi-nomadic lifestyle. Their language is considered ‘lost’ so they speak Dari or Pashto, depending on their location.
Zai’s friend told him to speak to God and ask for faith. Reading together Revelation 3:20, he showed him that Jesus was patiently and lovingly knocking on the door of his heart and desiring a personal relationship with him. Zai was deeply moved and asked, “What must I do?” The two men reviewed the verses in Romans regarding the human condition and Romans 10:9-10 which describe a sinner’s response. Zai pondered and asked, “Is it ok if I just take tonight to think about it?” Zai later confessed that “I was afraid if I waited, Jesus might stop knocking.” Soon after this, God gave Zai a dream and he woke up knowing that he was ready to surrender his life to Christ.
How Can We Pray?
- Pray for the good news to be shared in the Aimaq area; the regions where they live have no gospel witness.
- Pray for the Aimaqs to find hope and to know the Lord as their great provider as they live in one of the poorest areas of Afghanistan.
- Pray that young Aimaq men would find the gospel as they travel to other places for work.
During Ramadan, we are taking time each day to pray for people in the Muslim world. We are praying that they would hear the Gospel, have access to the Bible, have a divine encounter with Jesus, and be saved. We are also praying for Christians living as the minority in the Muslim world, that they would be protected from persecution, strengthened in their faith, and given opportunities to share the Gospel.
The stories and prayer requests that we are sharing have been taking from World Prayer Guides. You can visit their website (www.WorldPrayerGuides.org) to purchase a printable prayer guide for just $2.50.